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创业计划书 英文

时间:2023-12-20 12:25:41
创业计划书 英文

创业计划书 英文

创业计划书 英文


  A Business Plan of Promoting MOOCs among Chinese High School


  Advancing the links between Chinese college and high school education


  1. Introduction

  China still uses the most traditional educational systems[2]. The Chinese Ever since MIT and Havard employed government is now slowly supporting the MOOC(Massive Online Open Courses), it use of MOOC as it gradually become is leading the revolutionary changes of market-oriented and globalized. We believe traditional education systems[1]. MOOC MOOC's innovatives ideas will bring a has been accepted by many prestigious trend to the future forms of education[3]. institutions of higher education. However,

  developing countries such as India and Most people believe that the quality of

  educational systems are proportional to its Only 23% of people from age 18-22 have price. But nowadays, as more and more graduated from university in 2006[4]. university implement MOOC and its Therefore, a change is needed, and MOOC policies of sharing informations, better comes right in place.

  education can be accessed cheaper and


  -Because MOOC is online based, it is in fact a new market, indicating huge The world is become more interconnected potentials such as pricing on premium with internet and other forms of courses, advertisements, paying to ask communication tools each day, therefore, professionals online, and etc. If online courses such as MOOC will most implemented, the price for coruses could likely be implemented by more and more be very low to attract a large amount of institutions. It is possible that one day students in China.

  many Chinese institude will also use its

  ideas. Since MOOC is becoming and seen -Teachers are a waste on human resources as such an important system of education because teachers have to cover the same for the future, we will discuss its use in materials each year for new students. With Chinese universities, high schools, and the implementation of MOOC, it is most colleges, and others values such as its likely that the number of teachers could be market potential, influence, availability, greatly

  and feasibility in this paper.


  reduced. Therefore, schools' expenditure could be reduced. Students will also have more free time because they constricted area, for example, listening to a lecture in the metro. 1.2 Use of MOOC and its Market can listen to courses and lectures in a less

  The cost for premium or high-level

  education in China is lavish, and is not -

  accessible ……此处隐藏6337个字……e repetitive use of educational resources in MOOC platforms

  c. High cost of traditional agents of network

  d. Technological barriers

  e. Inadequate social awareness and accepetance

  5. Personalized online learning experience requires innovation in relevant technologies

  6. Pure online learning may lead to inadequate moral education for senior high schools adolescents and impair their social functioning with lack of face-to-face communication.


  With thorough consideration about the

  opportunity and risks of this business, we

  draw the final conclusion that by actively its potential losses. As analyzed in the earlier parts of this business plan, this business will introduce a new level of quality in Chinese education, particularly in advancing the links between senior high schools and colleges. And it is estimated to become a world-known brand over the promoting MOOCs in Chinese senior high next ten years.

  schools, its estimated benefits far outweigh


  [1]Lori Breslow, David E. Pritchard, Jennifer DeBoer, Glenda S. Stump, Andrew D. Ho, Daniel T. Seaton - Studying Learning in the Worldwide Classroom Research into edX’s First MOOC. Research & Practice in assessment, Vol-8, Summer 2013.

  [2]Veronica Diaz, Malcolm Brown, Stephen Pelletier -Learning and the Massive Open Online Course, Educase - A Report on the ELI Focus Session, May 2013.

  [3]Jiahua Wang, Jing Wang - MOOC- and its value of a gloabalizing education system to China. Accenture.

  [4]Uwe Brandenburg, Jiani Zhu - Higher Education in China in the light of massification and demographic change. Arbeitspapier Nr. 97 ,Oct, 2007.

  [5]Xin Chen, Deborah R. Barnett, and Casheena Stephens- Fad or Future: The

  Advantages and Challenges of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) September, 2013.

  [6]Brynn Zuccaro – The Small Business Online Marketing Guide, Tips + Advice to Grow Your

  Business Through Online Marketing.

  [7]Rieva Lesonsky - The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Doing Business Online. Entrepreneur magazine.

  [8]Long-term Education Reform and Development Plan (2010-2020) Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 2010.

  [9] The Ten Hot Spots in Chinese High School Education 2013. Journal of High School Education – New years special vol 7, December 2013.

  [10]Quick educational news(jiao xue kuai xun) Vol,212. Zhejiang University Senateof Academic Affairs. June, 2013.

  [11]Fourth Summit of Famous Secondary School Principals, May 2013, China Education Daily.

  [12]Zhang Xiuping - The Combination of Traditional Teaching Method and Problem Based

  Learning The China Papers, Vol. 1, October 20**

  [13]Email chat with co-school director of Shanghai Tsinghua University.

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